
Denying Biogenesex is like denying having two hands, two legs or two eyes, you cannot deny its existence, it just is.

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In life sciences, two biological genders are distinguished in all mammals. Male and Female.
In humans we call them Woman and Man. (Not to be confused with gender issues, this is a social-cultural debate in the human psyche and has no relation to human biology).
These differences are biological, that is, they are based on their chromosomes and are manifested throughout the organism.

Biogenesex distinguishes two new subclasses, which are not based on chromosomes, nor on psychological aspects, nor on issues related to the reproduction of the species.
They are at an organic level and are manifested in all systems of the human body, organs, glands, cells and proteins.

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Leandro H Simon

Leandro H Simon

Founder, Partner & CEO

Biogenesex SCA – Biogenesex LLC

Carmen Marquez

Founder & Partner

Biogenesex SCA – Biogenesex LLC

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