Biogenesex is a discovery.
As such, it raises questions and concerns…
Here are some answers.

Is Biogenesex an invention or a discovery?
Biogenesex is a discovery. The natural condition of the four dynamics of functioning in the human body has existed since before the human being was human, and this knowledge and its characteristics are what we refer to as Biogenesex.
Macrobiomarker is an invention?
Yes, it is a method of distinguishing, selecting, classifying, diagnosing, and predicting the four dynamics of the human body functioning in life sciences.
This Biomarker is based on all scientific information in life sciences. It is not software, it is medical knowledge.
Is Biogenesex a sect or religion, or political party, or is it related to any ideology, creed, country or cultural association?
No. It does not belong to any religious creed, nor is it related to any political party, country or group, it is not dogmatic knowledge of any human organization. The only cultural structure in which it develops is with the sciences. It is scientific knowledge.
Is Biogenesex against human culture?
Impossible. Biogenesex is scientific knowledge.
The discovery that distinguishes Biogenesex is a biological condition that existed before the birth and evolution of culture in humans.
The various human languages and cultures have developed on the basis of the human biological functioning of the four dynamics.
Just as the current human brain is prior and allowed the development of language, so it is with the four biological dynamics, they already existed and all of human cultural history has developed on this natural functioning.
Is Biogenesex a scam or fraud?
No, it is not.
The discovery has significant scientific and economic value.
These circumstances mean that the dispute over its control and exploitation is generating false information around the world.
The false information and misinformation about Biogenesex, Carmen Marquez and Leandro H Simon are a scam and fraud.
Is Biogenesex’s discovery based on any other related prior discoveries or knowledge?
No. Biogenesex was born from the observations of Leandro H. Simon in 2004. He discovered this peculiarity that had gone unnoticed in human history.
He initially detected it in men and then noticed that the same thing occurred in women. This is how his research began, which turned out to be Biogenesex.
Is Biogenesex dangerous for the health of the world’s population?
No, it is not.
It is beneficial to medicine and healthcare on a global scale. With this knowledge, we can increase the detection of diseases, make more accurate diagnoses, improve preventive plans, significantly reduce malpractice and improve treatments and drug administration.
Biogenesex has no connection with invasive treatments, exogenous grafts or science fiction literature about the future of medicine.
It is simply the detection of a pre-existing condition in the nature of the human being.
Is Biogenesex a mystical or religious knowledge?
No, it is not.
It is scientific knowledge about the natural functioning of the human body. It is scientific in that it arises from observation, it has a series of biological patterns to detect them. These patterns comply with coherent laws and with the systematicity necessary to base their scientific thesis. It is observable, it is detectable, it can be classified, measured and predicted with total accuracy. In other words, it is scientific knowledge, it is verifiable.
What does the name BIOGENESEX mean?
BIO stands for Biology: Science that deals with living beings considering their structure, functioning, evolution, distribution and relationships.
GENE which means genetics: Belonging or relating to the genesis or origin of things.
SEX meaning sex: Organic condition, male or female, of animals and plants.
In short, Biogenesex means sexual biological origin. The word sex triggers a storm of interpretations in the human brain.
However, sex, as an evolutionary phenomenon, emerged 1.2 billion years ago and meant a great evolutionary leap in species diversification. It is possibly the most relevant event in the evolutionary history of all species.
In Biogenesex, sex is directly related to the organic functioning of the human being. It is not related to sexuality, which is an individual imaginary construction of each psyche. Sex and sexuality are not the same. Sexual concerns in humans come from their psyche, that is, from their sexuality, not from sex.
Sex, however, defines a large part of the organic functioning of the human being, independently of reproductive impulses, the sexual act, or sexuality.
The functioning dynamics described by Biogenesex are subdivisions within each biological gender: two types of functioning dynamics for women and two for men.
What is the relationship between Biogenesex and human sexuality?
There is no direct relationship between human sexuality and Biogenesex.
The functioning of the 4 dynamics described by Biogenesex is of a Biological order, it is about how the organism works.
Each group of functioning dynamics has its pattern, this pattern evolved long before the appearance of sexuality.
It must be taken into account that sexuality in the human mind is a recent phenomenon, its complexity is directly related to the complexification of its thinking.
As the concentration of human populations increased and language became richer, human thinking also became more complex. In this way, the human being begins to develop ideas or fantasies around sex and that complex psychological construction is sexuality. This was due to the development and growth of the neocortex in the human brain.
Sexuality, like human culture, has developed and evolved based on the four dynamics.
As an example, it is as if the 4 dynamics were the “ground” on which a “house” of sexuality is built in the human psyche. Each “house” is different and its authorship belongs to the person who builds and lives in it, conditioned more or less by the “terrain” on which it is solidified.
Sexuality is an extremely complex subject for human beings. There are so many constructions of thought about this concern that it has become a controversial subject for thousands of years. Each cultural construction, religion, society, country, or region has its own moral and ethical codes regarding it.
It is a central issue for human beings since it is related to their reproduction as a species and also constitutes the basis of relationships, which are two fundamental pillars in human social organization.
It is necessary to define that Biogenesex has no direct relationship with any of the constructions of human sexuality, nor does it define them in any way.
All these phenomena in the human psyche are completely independent of the four dynamics of organic functioning, nor will knowing the characteristics of each dynamic modify the question of sexuality in the human being, they are independent processes.
Example: It is as if knowing the functioning of the cardiorespiratory system were to change sexuality in the psyche of a human being, there is no direct link between knowledge and the imaginary construction of each individual or their society around that knowledge.
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