

Lupa. Biogenesex.

1_ Is Biogenesex software or is it scientific knowledge of life sciences?


Biogenesex’s discovery of the 4 types of phenotypes in humans is scientific knowledge of life sciences.
It is a natural condition in human beings since they exist.
This natural condition has been unnoticed by all human cultures throughout history until Leandro H Simon discovered it approximately 15 years ago.
Biogenesex’s job is to explore all the knowledge that emerges from that discovery.


Lupa. Biogenesex.

1_ Is Biogenesex software or is it scientific knowledge of life sciences?
Biogenesex’s discovery of the 4 types of phenotypes in humans is scientific knowledge of life sciences.
It is a natural condition in human beings since they exist.
This natural condition has been unnoticed by all human cultures throughout history until Leandro H Simon discovered it approximately 15 years ago.
Biogenesex’s job is to explore all the knowledge that emerges from that discovery.

Medicina. Biogenesex. Flow

2_What is the relationship between Biogenesex and the software?

After Biogenesex’s research and discovery of the 4 phenotypes, Biogenesex developed MacroBioMarker, an instrument for measuring organic parameters.

MBM measurement scales detect each phenotype through data from the multiple common detection methods in current medicine (e.g. blood tests).

This data is reread by MBM, obtaining a personalized reading of each type.

To systematize the MBM task and make it more precise, we have designed a software called IMS, which is an API for AI that simplifies and associates this data, facilitating the applicability of MBM.

MBM is not an exogenous implant or a chemical treatment or method. It’s just a meter.

FAQ Science 

patrones para la vacuna. biogenesex.2021

3_Is Biogenesex a social scientific research or life sciences company?

It is both social sciences and life sciences.

Originally the discovery of the 4 types was made by Leandro H Simon in the field of social sciences and was later moved to the field of Biotechnology when he detected that these particularities were biological in nature and were simply reflected in the cognitive or cultural aspects of the subject.

This is how research was transferred to Biotechnology. That is to say, Biogenesex works in two large scientific fields in parallel: the social and the natural.

Biogenesex is the first solid bridge between both sciences that dispute common scientific territories, that is, those doubts as to whether culture and the human psyche dominate the human biological question or if human nature is what determines human conditioning.

Biogenesex provides a new relevant element that transforms this debate and gives it another dimension, where both classic positions remain incomplete and therefore irrelevant in the face of new knowledge about scientific facts.

It is important to keep in mind that Biogenesex does not invent something new in humans, but rather it deciphers something that has always existed and has remained undetected throughout history.

FAQ Science

patrones para la vacuna. biogenesex.2021

3_Is Biogenesex a social scientific research or life sciences company?

It is both social sciences and life sciences.

Originally the discovery of the 4 types was made by Leandro H Simon in the field of social sciences and was later moved to the field of Biotechnology when he detected that these particularities were biological in nature and were simply reflected in the cognitive or cultural aspects of the subject.

This is how research was transferred to Biotechnology. That is to say, Biogenesex works in two large scientific fields in parallel: the social and the natural.

Biogenesex is the first solid bridge between both sciences that dispute common scientific territories, that is, those doubts as to whether culture and the human psyche dominate the human biological question or if human nature is what determines human conditioning.

Biogenesex provides a new relevant element that transforms this debate and gives it another dimension, where both classic positions remain incomplete and therefore irrelevant in the face of new knowledge about scientific facts.

It is important to keep in mind that Biogenesex does not invent something new in humans, but rather it deciphers something that has always existed and has remained undetected throughout history.

4_Is Biogenesex exclusively based on AI? Is it AI?

No, definitely not.
Biogenesex’s use of AI is only one means of application. Biogenesex can be applied in many ways and in various sectors without the need for AI. It does not depend on AI to exist or to apply.
Biogenesex is alien to the AI debate, as much as any mathematical formula or any other scientific knowledge can be. It is simply in another sphere different from that debate.

4_Is Biogenesex exclusively based on AI? Is it AI?
No, definitely not.
Biogenesex’s use of AI is only one means of application. Biogenesex can be applied in many ways and in various sectors without the need for AI. It does not depend on AI to exist or to apply.
Biogenesex is alien to the AI debate, as much as any mathematical formula or any other scientific knowledge can be. It is simply in another sphere different from that debate.

5_Does Biogenesex put the various cultural or religious structures of the Planet at risk or danger?

No, there is not even such a possibility.
The scientific knowledge of Biogenesex describes 4 types of natural functioning in the human being that have been present in History since before it existed as such.
In other words, all Human Cultural History is properly made with the functioning of the 4 types of human beings, therefore, it is wrong to think that knowing the four types generates some kind of confusion in the various cultural constructions.
The only consequence of knowing the 4 types when looking at society or human knowledge is a much more complete, deeper, and simpler understanding of how we function as humans.
In my own experience I can comment that far from creating speculation in general, it effectively eliminates absurd complexities and dissociative fantasies that abound in the fabric of current hyperinformation. Given the complexity of knowledge that is false or not and the infinite variables of the complexity of today’s fast state of over-stimulated thinking, it acts like a super synthesizer, eliminating noise when receiving knowledge more clearly.
In all the human stories that we know, each of the 4 types detected by Biogenesex can be distinguished with sufficient clarity.
All cultural constructions will benefit and be strengthened by Biogenesex because what Biogenesex describes is not separate from what they are and what they constitute.
As an example, it can be compared with the concepts that were had about the sun and the moon before astronomical knowledge, or with the fantasies of sailors on the high seas before the discovery of the compass. In both cases, pragmatic knowledge helped the life of the human himself.

6_Are humans prepared for Biogenesex technology?

He is as prepared to accept Biogenesex technology as anyone is prepared to assume that he has two hands or two eyes. There is not something alien to accept, it is something that already exists in it.

7_What is the strangest thing about Biogenesex?

There is no one has realized before history of the differences between the four types.
That is the most extraordinary condition he has and the most astonishing considering how important it is to global health.

8_ Why do we talk about personalized medicine?

Taking into account the discovery of Biogenesex, the world population data will be divided into four groups, two for the female gender and two for the male.

This division provides a new and transformative scientific reading.

That is, in current clinical studies there is no such screening, as long as the samples are fragmented into isolated and generic groups, making it difficult both to read the data and the ability to find common points in those readings that are valuable when it comes to provide effective results at massive levels that allow important advances in areas such as prevention, diagnoses, and treatments.

The trend in these industries during the last decades has been the search for specificity, assuming that this is the only means left to achieve profound advances.

Now, Biogenesex makes a completely different proposal since its discovery since it detects a new peculiarity that generates a structural screening, that is, it cuts the entire structure of the knowledge acquired to date into 4 parts.

Depending on this cut-off, each new study group can be analyzed differently and independent of the others, that is, for each new group there will be a new and specific reading of its own data.

From the application of Biogenesex each human group will obtain its own clinical histories, its own diagnoses, its own medications, and its own treatments.

Nowadays, all the processes of study and application of medicine in all its facets are unaware of this fundamental discovery and therefore they are missing out on the possibility of advancing with greater effectiveness and speed in their procedures. In other words, the Biogenesex application will contribute significantly to all researchers, doctors, specialists, and scientists who dedicate their lives to the progress of global health.

The discovery of Biogenesex not only benefits corporations or governments, but also industry professionals and therefore patients and healthy people in the world’s population.

Personalized medicine from the point of view of Biogenesex is an inevitably beneficial and valuable consequence for global health.