
About Biogenesex

detección de patrones. biogenesex

Biogenesex-MacroBiomarker is a company that works with information structures.

Our field of development is focused on the processes of knowledge, the structures of its operation, and its relationships or parallels with reality.

Our deployment in scientific matters focuses on aspects unexplored by science, on new approaches, and on creating intelligent, efficient, and disruptive biotechnology.

About Biogenesex

detección de patrones. biogenesex

Biogenesex-MacroBiomarker is a company that works with information structures.

Our field of development is focused on the processes of knowledge, the structures of its operation, and its relationships or parallels with reality.

Our deployment in scientific matters focuses on aspects unexplored by science, on new approaches, and on creating intelligent, efficient, and disruptive biotechnology.


reptiles. Biogenesex

Our main objective is the development, production and application of the first multidimensional biomarker with a powerful predictive range for the pharmaceutical and Healthcare industries.


DNA ciencia Biogenesex Flow test

The Macrobiomarker (MBM)  is an innovative concept that implies a new reading of the scientific knowledge that we have to date, creating a powerful screening in all scientific research processes.


Medicina. Biogenesex. Flow

The Macrobiomarker (MBM)  is an innovative concept that implies a new reading of the scientific knowledge that we have to date, creating a powerful screening in all scientific research processes.


Our scientific perspective is completely revolutionary relative to the current direction of industry discoveries.


Our scientific perspective is completely revolutionary relative to the current direction of industry discoveries.

Biogenesex culture

Medicina. Biogenesex. Flow

Our vision is one that is delimited by the phrase “The content makes the form and not the other way around.”

“Maps are made based on the shape of natural geography and its mutations.”

The content:

It is our object of scientific study and our vocation for work.

The shape:

it is the technique, the acquired knowledge and the technological tools that allow us to work.

Content and form:

They are only possible thanks to hard work, responsibility, respect for what is done and for the team we work with.

Both processes arise from the state of relationship between things in this Universe.

Biogenesex culture

DNA ciencia Biogenesex Flow test

Our vision is one that is delimited by the phrase “The content makes the form and not the other way around.”

“Maps are made based on the shape of natural geography and its mutations.”

The content:

It is our object of scientific study and our vocation for work.

The shape:

it is the technique, the acquired knowledge and the technological tools that allow us to work.

Content and form:

They are only possible thanks to hard work, responsibility, respect for what is done and for the team we work with.

Both processes arise from the state of relationship between things in this Universe.


From the understanding of the relationship state, creativity, the new, the discoveries arise and that unleashes a strong impulse to face challenges, work and produce great things.

Our work is intelligent, serious, respectful, rigorous, honest, solvent, conscientious, consistent, self-critical, demanding, transformative and demonstrable.

Leandro H. Simón

Leandro H. Simón

CEO - Founder

Businessman. Scientific researcher.


 From the understanding of the relationship state, creativity, the new, the discoveries arise and that unleashes a strong impulse to face challenges, work and produce great things.

Our work is intelligent, serious, respectful, rigorous, honest, solvent, conscientious, consistent, demanding, transformative and demonstrable.

Leandro H. Simón

Leandro H. Simón

CEO - Founder

Businessman. Scientific researcher.


Hombre con manos alrededor medido con regla, compás y lupa. resolución de conflictos.

Everything that is exposed on this web page is perfectly demonstrable scientific facts on the part of Biogenesex.

We have firm and solid results from those general lines that are expressed on this website.

All the ideas, knowledge, and constructs contained in this site are under legal protection and are the exclusive rights of MacroBioMarker Corp., Biogenesex LLC, Biogenesex S.C.A and Leandro H. Simón as well as their authorship and intellectual property.

Salida de Carmen Márquez Barboteo de Biogenesex.


A partir del día 1 de septiembre de 2022, Carmen Inmaculada Márquez Barboteo deja su lugar como socia de Biogenesex SCA, Biogenesex LLC y MacrobioMarker C Corp.. Todo ello de un modo plenamente legal y en excelentes términos entre los socios y de mutuo acuerdo.

Desde su salida hasta hoy he mantenido comunicación continúa con Carmen, quien goza de mi plena confianza. En este último tiempo hemos tenido que afrontar ciertos obstáculos administrativos con gestores externos a la empresa y para no dejar dudas al respecto de su salida adjunto esta captura de pantalla con el acta de la asamblea donde se hace efectiva la salida de Carmen de la empresa, con el consentimiento de Carmen para publicar dicho documento ahora.

Cabe destacar que Carmen Márquez (como socia o administradora o asociada) no ha regresado a la empresa desde entonces y no ha realizado gestiones en su nombre y no ha otorgado poder a persona física o jurídica para actuar en nombre de Biogenesex o sus empresas.

Departure of Carmen Márquez Barboteo from Biogenesex.


As of September 1, 2022, Carmen Inmaculada Márquez Barboteo leaves her place as a partner of Biogenesex SCA, Biogenesex LLC, and MacrobioMarker C Corp. All this in a fully legal way and on excellent terms between the partners and by mutual agreement.

From his departure until today I have maintained continuous communication with Carmen, who enjoys my complete confidence. In recent times we have had to face certain administrative obstacles with managers external to the company and in order not to leave doubts about its departure, I attach this screenshot with the minutes of the assembly where Carmen’s departure from the company is effective, with Carmen’s consent to publish this document now.

It should be noted that Carmen Márquez (as a partner, administrator, or associate) has not returned to the company since then, has not made arrangements on her behalf, and has not granted the power to a natural or legal person to act on behalf of Biogenesex or its companies.





Ethics and moral principles


The Biogenesex instrument is not designed to generate or promote xenophobia, racism, homophobia, or sexist differences; it does not categorize any human being by the scale of value, power, prestige, or dominance.

The results of the screening of the Biogenesex instruments detect organic functions of a universal type.

 This means in all human beings, without being altered by territorial, socio-cultural, environmental, or specific social condition factors.

 They are of a biological order, a natural phenomenon that exists in all subjects in one way or another.

None of the distinctions generated from the aforementioned MBM screenings is due to differences or similarities greater than another, there is no place for categorical evaluations between types of functions.

The differences that arise from the power relations between types are the pure and exclusive responsibility of the cultural development of the society in which they operate.

We respect the freedom of each individual and each society.

Ethics and moral principles


The Biogenesex instrument is not designed to generate or promote xenophobia, racism, homophobia, or sexist differences; nor does it categorize any human being by scales of value, power, prestige, or dominance.

The results of the screening of the Biogenesex instruments detect organic functions of a universal type.

 This means in all human beings, without being altered by territorial, socio-cultural, environmental, or specific social condition factors.

 They are of a biological order, a natural phenomenon that exists in all subjects in one way or another.

None of the distinctions generated from the aforementioned MBM screenings is due to differences or similarities greater than another, there is no place for categorical evaluations between types of functions.

Biogenesex is scientific. It is neither a religion nor a sect and has no relation to traditional or modern religious structures. Biogenesex respects all religious faiths and has no motives or intentions to establish any relationship with human religious spheres, it is simply not religion.

The differences that arise from the power relations between types are the pure and exclusive responsibility of the cultural development of the society in which they operate, and Biogenesex has no relationship with that.